From: (Paul A. Meadows) Newsgroups: Subject: Turkey Fillets with Apple Rum Date: 10 Aug 1995 12:39:02 -0600 Organization: The National Capital FreeNet Message-ID: <40djo6$> Taste of Nova Scotia - Turkey Fillets with Apple Rum 4 Turkey fillets 1/2 c Apple juice 1 ts Dark rum Salt Pepper, freshly ground 2/3 c Apple juice 2 tb Dark rum 2 ts Honey 1 tb Cornstarch 2 tb Cold water Apple wedges Combine 1/2c apple juice, 1 tb rum and salt and pepper for marinade. In a shallow dish, pour marinade over turkey, cover and marinate 2 hours in a refrigerator. Grill turkey fillets on a barbecue or electric grill or broil them in the oven, until pinkness disappears, about 5 minutes on each side. Apple Rum Sauce: In a saucepan, combine apple juice, rum and honey and bring to a boil over medium heat. Stir cornstarch into cold water and add to boiling liquid, stirring continuously until well blended. Cook for 1 minute. To serve, drizzle apple rum sauce over each turkey fillet. Garnish with fresh apple wedges. Source: Taste of Nova Scotia Cookbook Contact: Taste of Nova Scotia, PO Bo 487, Halifax NS, Canada B3J 2R7